Types of SPAN
Local SPAN : Supported by Cisco
Traffic is mirrored to an interface on the same leaf as the source of the SPAN i.e single leaf has both source as well as destination. Only Access SPANs can be setup as local.
Remote SPAN (RSPAN) : Not Supported by Cisco
Encapsulated Remote SPAN (ERSPAN) : Supported by Cisco : destination ip must be learnt as an endpoint.
Destination IP could be in the same or different VRF i.e. anywhere in fabric.
Types of SPAN as per Cisco ACI
Fabric SPAN is to capture packets from interfaces between Leaf and Spine switches.It supports ERSPAN
Access SPAN is to capture packets from interfaces between Leaf switches and external devices.It supports both Local & ERSPAN
Tenant SPAN is to capture packets from EndPoint Group (EPG) on ACI Leaf switches.It supports ERSPAN
Access SPAN is to capture packets from interfaces between Leaf switches and external devices.It supports both Local & ERSPAN.
Let’s configure Local Span for both Source & Destination
Create a Destination Group name “Local_Span_Destination”... Let the Packet Sniffer Server be on Leaf 101 port 1.
Create a Source Group name “Local_Span_Source”... Let the Source be on Leaf 101 port 2.
Attach Destination SPAN group to Source group.
2. Destination is local & Source is EPG
3. Source & Destination both could be EPG
Note : In Destination EPG we need to define source & destination ip address.
Fabric SPAN
Fabric → Fabric Policies → Policies → Troubleshooting → SPAN → Destination GRP
Destination Group can be EPG only
Source can be optionally binded with traffic from VRF or BD instead of all traffic
Note : Interface of Spine switches connected to leaf are from range 49-52.