Remove File & Folder
root@localhost ~]# rm abc
rm: remove regular empty file ‘abc’? Yes
root@localhost ~]# rm Folder1
rm: cannot remove ‘Folder1’: Is a directory
use "-r" to remove directory
root@localhost ~]# rm -r Folder1
rm: remove directory ‘heyRam1’? Yes
To remove forcefully directory use "-f"
root@localhost ~]# rm -rf test/
use argument "v" to print
root@localhost ~]# rm -vr "mukesh monu"
rm: remove directory ‘mukesh monu’? y
removed directory: ‘mukesh monu’
To remove all data of particular folder
root@localhost ~]# rm -vrf /tmp *
removed ‘/tmp/yum.log’
removed ‘/tmp/.X11-unix/X0’
removed directory: ‘/tmp/.X11-unix’
removed directory: ‘/tmp/.XIM-unix’
root@localhost ~]# mkdir India
[root@localhost ~]# ls
[root@localhost ~]# rename India Udaipur India
[root@localhost ~]# ls
Create multiple empty files with single command
root@localhost ~]# touch abc{1..9}
[root@localhost ~]# ls
abc1 abc2 abc3 abc4 abc5 abc6 abc7 abc8 abc9
Copy File "file1" to folder Udaipur
[root@localhost ~]# cp file1.txt Udaipur/
Copy folder to folder requires "-r"
[root@localhost ~]# cp -r Folder1 Folder2
If files are already present in folder then it will ask if you want to overide
root@localhost ~]# cp -rvf abc* India/
cp: overwrite ‘India/abc1’? Y
Now to say "Not" to overwrite add argument"n" in commad
root@localhost ~]# cp -rvfn abc* India
Move Data
root@localhost ~]# mv abc1 India/
mv: overwrite ‘India/abc1’? Y